On Wednesday, 22 May 2024, EUPAVE held its 9th workshop on Best Practices in Concrete Paving in Brussels. The theme for this year was “Non-destructive auscultation and monitoring techniques for concrete pavements.” Organized as a hybrid event, it attracted 80 online and in-person participants.
The workshop aimed to highlight advanced methods for assessing and maintaining concrete pavements without causing damage. Experts in non-destructive testing (NDT) led a series of insightful sessions, exploring the latest technologies and methodologies that ensure the structural integrity and longevity of concrete surfaces.
Luc Rens, Director of EUPAVE, started the event by presenting EUPAVE’s new Strategic Plan, set to be released in September 2024. He then showcased some innovations in concrete paving and provided a quick recap of previous Best Practices workshops held by EUPAVE.
Jeroen de Vrieze from Cement&BetonCentrum moderated the event and introduced the speakers.
The first talk was given by Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Höller from the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), who discussed “Falling weight deflectometer on concrete pavements – current situation and perspective.”
Luc Rens followed with insights on “Smart roads through the use of sensors”.
Mr. Kurt Pappaert, Operational Manager Inspection Drones from Citymesh, shared his expertise on “Enhancing infrastructure monitoring with non-destructive aerial techniques”.
After the break, Mr. Dirk Anke, Senior Software Developer at MIT Mess- und Prüftechnik GmbH, introduced “Dowel detection and thickness measurement“.
The workshop concluded with a recorded session by Ms. Audrey Van der Wielen, Researcher at the Belgian Road Research Centre, on “Ground penetrating radar and ultrasonic tomography”.
The presentations were followed by a Q&A session with both live and online participants. For those attending in person, the afternoon ended with a pleasant networking cocktail.