Everyone today is aware of the global challenges facing our society. The concept of “sustainable construction” has been at the heart of the construction world for many years, focusing on the three well-known pillars: economy, environment and society. With the issue of global warming, the debate is now more focused on reducing CO2 emissions with a roadmap towards complete decarbonisation by 2050.
EUPAVE is convinced that rigid solutions – concrete pavements and hydraulically bound base layers – can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient transportation network. Therefore, EUPAVE’s Sustainability & Resilience Working Group has prepared 6 fact sheets covering the different themes. The work started with an infographic “Concrete pavements make roads more sustainable”, showing the basic messages
in the different domains. Next, the fact sheets were drafted in which each sub-aspect was discussed in more detail, each time based on the latest findings from international practice and research.
The following factsheets are available in this publication: