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Registration for the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads
We are pleased to announce that the registration for the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads is now open.
EUPAVE Members and Partners
- EUPAVE Associate and Full members benefit from a reduction of 150 EUR compared to the applicable fee, up to 6 persons for full members and up to 2 persons per associate members.
- EUPAVE Partners get a reduction of 100 EUR for one person per partner.
If you did not receive the email including the reduction code, please contact directly Ms. Elise Carabédian, e.carabedian(a)eupave.eu
Speakers and Authors
- The Speaker presenting the oral presentation or poster presentation also gets a discount compared to the applicable fee. This person does not have to be the main author of the paper.
You will receive your code after submitting your paper, the 27 October 2017.
- For others, please note that the Early Bird registration expire on 28 February 2018.
Please note that reductions cannot be cumulated.
For registration and more information concerning these different rates, please visit the official Symposium website www.concreteroads2018.com