Publication – Concrete Safety Barriers: a safe and sustainable choice

“One of the top ten goals set by the White Paper on Transport (2011) is to reduce fatalities in road transport. The increase of the safety of the road infrastructure had been one of the seven main aims of the policy orientations made by the European Commission (EC) regarding to road safety for 2011-2020. […] However, despite of the fact that the EU has the safest roads in the world, 70 people are still dying and 370 got serious injuries every day. These figures are insufficient if the EU wants to meet its target of halving road fatalities between 2010 and 2020 (only 40 people by 2020). The European Commission also settled as a long-term goal to move close to zero road fatalities by 2050. […] One of the ways to achieve this goal, amongst others such as intelligent vehicles and better enforcement, is safer road infrastructure. The use of passive safety systems and, more specifically, road restraint systems undoubtedly contributes to higher safety. There will also be more focus on vulnerable road users, motorcyclists in particular”


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